风雨断肠人 wrote: 沧海笑 <BR> 滔滔两岸潮 <BR> 浮沉随浪记今朝 <BR> 苍天笑 <BR> 纷纷世上潮 <BR> 谁负谁胜出天知晓 <BR> 江山笑 <BR> 烟雨摇 <BR> 涛浪淘尽红尘俗事知多少 <BR> 清风笑,竟惹寂寥 <BR> 豪情还剩了一襟晚照 <BR> 苍生笑 <BR> 不再寂寥 <BR> 豪情仍在痴痴笑笑 <BR> <BR> 一时兴起组了个队,希望大家多多出谋划策。 <BR> 首先要讨论的是: <BR> 我们要弄个什么样的节目? <BR> 你的点子将会使你成为明天奥斯卡的最佳导演,冲啊!!!!!:}):}) <BR> :}) <BR> <BR> Hero :I <BR> <BR> Would you dance, <BR> if I asked you to dance with me? <BR> Would you run, <BR> and never look back? <BR> Would you cry, <BR> if you were moved in the moonlight? <BR> And would you set free your soul, <BR> tonight? <BR> <BR> Would you tremble, <BR> if yoiu stand in the dark alone? <BR> Would you laugh? <BR> Please share with me. <BR> Now have you lost your mind? <BR> for the thing you love? <BR> Hold it in your arms, <BR> tonight. <BR> <BR> You can be a hero. <BR> You can kick away the pain. <BR> I will stand by you forever. <BR> You can take my sorrow away. 又是歌词..... HERO的歌词都抄错了,BS |